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TiddlerTek Store

Nautilus Water Plant

Nautilus Water Plant

Regular price $119.00 USD
Regular price $265.00 USD Sale price $119.00 USD
Sale Sold out

The Nautilus water plant with filter can add water recirculation, filtration, and aeration to any bait tank. This  features a 500 gph pump with a four year warranty, a TiddlerTek micro-bubble venturi aerator, plus 27 square inches of filter media and space for three stages of filtration if desired. Suitable for tank water levels up to 16 inches, the unit is 6 3/4 inches tall and 6 1/4 inches in diameter. The unit attaches to any smooth bait tank floor using three suction cups. Competing products with about the same specs and functionality sell for as much as $265.

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